
There will be sprints at the venue on the 7th and 8th of October.


In the boardroom at the Premier Splendid Inn, and also on Discord.


The sprints are open to everyone; you don't need a conference ticket to attend.


Sprints are an opportunity for some focused work on a software project. We usually make modifications to the conference software that we use to build this site. You're welcome to join us, suggest another sprint topic (to be listed here), or just bring your personal project if you need some motivation to finish it!

What was done?

  • Updated the PSS-SA server to debian bookworm
  • Updated the IPv6 networking configuration for za.pycon.org
  • Work towards resolving various wafer issues and PRs (#449 , #148 , #661, #683)
    • Some related discussions between PyConZA and Debconf people about additional features that will be useful for wafer
  • Some work towards a tool for calculating the path length of SVG and DXF files to automatically estimate the cost of laser cutting -github repo
  • Work on the Debian Debconf reimbursment application - salsa repo .

Python Software Foundation
Thinkst Canary Afrolabs