
Python Software Foundation Platinum

The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers. The majority of the PSF's work is focused on empowering and supporting people within the Python community. The PSF has active grant programs that support sprints, conferences, meet ups, user groups, and Python development efforts all over the world.

In addition, the PSF underwrites and runs PyCon US, the primary Python community conference. Being part of the PSF means being part of the Python community. Recently we changed the PSF to an open membership organization, so that everyone who uses and supports Python can join. To learn more, visit https://www.python.org/psf/membership.

Thinkst Canary Patron

Thinkst is the company behind the Thinkst Canary, a software (and hardware) product built in South Africa, servicing the world.

Our Canaries are deployed on networks on all 7 continents and are pretty widely loved. Our people have been at the forefront of both offensive and defensive cyber security research for almost 2 decades and have presented research (or keynoted) at most of the reputable conferences world wide.

Afrolabs Patron

Afrolabs Experimental Software helps to design and create products for funded startups, and to support their teams. We work with entrepreneurs who have great ideas and need a team to help them take their dreams from idea to market, we supplement existing technical teams with our range of skills from UX through various experience levels of developer, and we offer leadership in technical excellence.

We believe in iterative design and creation and help to facilitate conversations through the build-measure-learn loop, we create experiments to validate product offering to a market, we build sturdy tech based on these learnings and we can help your team to create structures based on this feedback too. We believe in automated testing and deployment to free up time for technical teams to focus on the fun part of problem solving. We can offer an interim CTO function within your space, or you can join our ever-growing x-labs community where technical teams plug in and have access to various levels of support for their individuals, teams, products and business units, and have a lot of fun in it.

Everything we do is driven by our mission: Create The World You Want To Live In.

Python Software Foundation
Thinkst Canary Afrolabs